In Task 3.1 progress has been made in working with competent authority staff to identify (1) the mechanisms in place in each MS for assessment of the animal (slaughter and farm) measures under the Broiler Directive 2007/43/EC, (2) the ways in which data collected from farms and slaughterhouses is collated and interpreted to frame the decisions regarding permitted stocking density, and (3) training and reference material used by MS in the work with slaughterhouse, farm and meat inspection staff who collect the data required.
This information has been gathered using an online survey. There has been a good response from MS, enabling data from a cross section of the MS to be collected. Group meetings have been held, and the first stakeholder meeting was held on 31st May in Barcelona. The meeting provided a good forum for sharing of technical experience and information of the variations in approach towards adoption of the Directive, and it was apparent that the representatives from the MS valued the opportunity to cross reference what they were doing in their own countries against that of other MS.
Data collected from this stakeholder meeting, and data from the online questionnaires form the basis of a web site created as a platform for (anonymised) information on technical methods, training and interpretation of results for the MS. On 24th Sept, the second stakeholder meeting, to be
held in Paris, will allow the participants to engage in refinement of this web site, and will allow representatives of the MS to provide further technical material and input to the design and function of the 'EUWelNetBroiler' shared resource website.